Wanting to go to Heaven

Every morning I wake up happy that is a new day and that I am a believer in Christ.  Ever since I have been little I’ve never understood what it means to be a believer.  But as I got older I wanted to find out what it means to be a Christian.  So when I got older my family would take me to church to let me learn how to become a Christian.  One day after church I went to my pastor how to become a Christian,so he told that I need to do the ABC’s.  The A means to admit that I’ve sinned,B believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savor, and C choose to receive Christ.  Once I did that my family told me that I’ll get to go to this place called Heaven.  So I asked them what is Heaven.  They said that Heaven is a place where Christians get to go when they die and live for eternity.  Also in Heaven there are streets of gold,a pearl gate,and you get to see Jesus’s rainbow horse.  That is how became a Christian and what my Family and I love celebrating.

Should Every kid Get a Trophy

Every kid shouldn’t get a trophy because, that one person wasn’t doing as

good as a job the others kids were. Another reason is that you didn’t deserve

a trophy because, you were not doing anything when the other kids were

working as hard as they could. That is why every kid shouldn’t get a trophy.