
Bright  and early in the morning, my mom told me to get ready to go on the mission trip.  My mom, brother,` and me packed all the things we needed  and loaded it in our car and went to our church.  Everyone was putting their things in a big U-haul trailer, then we got on the busses and drove to Oklahoma.  When we got there everyone unloaded their things and went into the back of the church.  The next day, and for the rest of the week everyone split up into groups and went places to tell kids about the Lord.  Our group went to an apartment complex.  Every morning we would walk around and invite kids to come to our bible club time. At the end of the week everyone put their things in the big U-haul trailer.  Then we got on the busses to go back to our church.  When we got there everyone unloaded  their things and went back to their houses.

One morning, my family had to wake up early and pack our things and drove to the airport.  There we met our grandpa and grandma.  Next we all got our tickets and went onto the airplane. When we got to Minnesota  we rented two rental cars and drove to some friends house.  Their names were Ron and Corrine.  The next day they took us to their log cabin.  The whole day, all of us got to go tubbing in a big lake.  Also while we were there tubbing, we got to see a loon.   It was very cool because my brother and I had never seen one before.  When it got night time we all went to bed.  The next morning we all said goodbye and left to go to the airport.  Then we got on the airlpane and headed back to Texas.  When we got there we got our things and left to go back to our house. 

One night when the Roughneck football team played in Cameron, we turned on the radio and sat back and listened to the game.My mom, dad, brother, and myself were so happy that the football team made it to the semi-finals.  In the first quarter White Oak was winning against Cameron Yoe.  Then in the second quarter, White Oak went ahead a couple more points.  Then in the third and fourth quarter, they caught up to us and beat us by a few points.

There are two goals that I would like to do.  One is to be a good example for younger kids and secondly I would like to get more into the word (the bible) and spread the word about the lord.  I would also like to stop fighting with my brother.  One thing that I would want to learn to do, is how to be able to train animals. Four new books I want to read are fact books about animals, Hank the Cow Dog, Happy Feet 2, and Santa Paws.

Pearl Harbor Poem

President Franklin Roosevelt called the day, “A day that will live in infamy”.

Each year the memorial is remembered.

Alarms sounded at 7:48 a.m.

Running around like crazy, everyone was trying to figure out what just happened!

Later raised, the USS West Virginia was repaired and rejoined the flleet in July 1944, after being sunk.

Heavly damaged was the USS Helena destroyer ship.

Attack on Pearl Harbor led the United States to enter World War II.

Resting on the ocean floor is the sunken USS Arizona, it has become a national memorial.

Bright and early the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the United States on December 7, 1941.

On that day, 2,402 people were killed and 1,247 more were wounded.

Right in the middle four planes each were shot down by Ken Taylor and George Welch.


Jamestown or Plymouth

Jamestown built a triangular-fort

Always working hard

Men were trained to protect

Election was held to help the people govern the land

Settlement in Jamestown was founded in 1607

Tall walls

On May 14, 1607 the Virginia company explorer landed in Jamestown

Willamsburg was the new name for Jamestown

North American region of Chesapeake was where the English Settlement was founded


I would want to live in Jamestown because they had a protected fort.

Also inside it, it had everything that anyone ever needed to survive.

The best thing about being there would be that you would always get to be with your family.

You would also always get to be able to play with your friends.

Henry Hudson


                                                                                                                       June 1611

                                                                                                                Explorer Gazette

I’m John and this is what I think happened to Henry Hudson. Henry Hudson was a sailer who liked to sail. One day some people took Henry and put him and their selves in a boat. There were no oars and they set off to sea and were never found again. I think that those people [ Henry’s son and seven loyal men ] probobly got captured by a ship of pirites. They were probobly murdered and beaten to death. That’s my story of what I think happened to Henry Hudson. 


Should Every kid Get a Trophy

Every kid shouldn’t get a trophy because, that one person wasn’t doing as

good as a job the others kids were. Another reason is that you didn’t deserve

a trophy because, you were not doing anything when the other kids were

working as hard as they could. That is why every kid shouldn’t get a trophy.